Blaze (Deceit and Desire Book 6) Read online

Page 10

  There was a little more color to her cheeks.

  That was good.

  “So…next week, Croft’s trial starts,” she said, her voice soft.

  “Yeah.” I flipped a piece of chicken in the skillet and shot her a look. “You don’t have to come.”

  “I want to,” she said, just as she had each time we discussed the matter. “You were there for me. I want to be there for you.”

  “It’s not exactly the same,” I said, crooking a grin at her. “Croft is some bastard I barely tolerated. It’s not like it was my uncle…or my mother.”

  At the mention of my mother, though, I had to look away.

  Things were strained now between me and her. TU’s trial didn’t start for a few more weeks, but the police had questioned my mother, more than once.

  She’d come through it all free and clear. She hadn’t known anything about the drugs. I didn’t know what I’d do if she had. That wasn’t the only reason for the strain in our relationship, though. The club, as it was, didn’t exist anymore. There were still members who were loyal to my dad, and I think to me, but I wasn’t entirely sure they trusted me.

  I’d have to earn that trust back, and I planned on doing it. We were smaller now, but we didn’t have to be a big club to have a strong brotherhood. I just needed them to know they could trust me. And we were going to be clean. I’d made that very, very clear.

  Mom wouldn’t ever hold the position she’d once had.

  Sometimes, I suspected the only reason she was even still talking to me was because Trice was pregnant. She wasn’t about to cut off this chance to be an active grandma.

  I didn’t know if I was wishing for the stars, but I was hopeful that my sisters might come around once I got my life straightened out. Maybe Mom would get the rest of her grandkids back too.

  Clearly following my thoughts, Trice reached over and touched my fingers with hers. “Your mom will come around,” she said, a sweet smile on her face. “She has to. Even if I have to make her come around. We’ve got to have one decent grandparent for our baby, right?”

  Her comment pulled a laugh out of me. “Right.”

  “Okay, then.” She gave a final nod and took another pull of her soft drink. “After all, we know we can’t count on my mom to do any soul searching and come to realize that she really does love me and suddenly discover some hidden urge to be a grandma.”

  She delivered the words caustically, but when her eyes met mine, there wasn’t any pain in them.

  For the first few weeks, any mention of her mother had put shadows in her eyes, but lately, she seemed to accept the fact that her mother was missing something vital – the ability to care about her daughter.

  I was glad to see the acceptance in her eyes. Maybe it would make it a little easier over the coming months, knowing her mother was behind bars. Jade had accepted a plea deal, admitting her guilt in unlawfully imprisoning her own daughter. There might be other things she’d be charged with, but Trice had stopped taking her calls. She said she was done being emotionally invested in somebody who couldn’t be invested in her.

  I was glad, but I knew it hurt her.

  “It’s her, you know,” I reminded her. I’d done it a hundred times, and I’d keep on telling her too. As much as she needed to hear it. “It’s one-hundred percent her. It has nothing to do with you.”

  “I know.” She managed a small smile. “I’m even almost to the point to where I don’t care. It’s going to be her loss, right?”

  “Damn straight.”

  “One down,” I said as we sat across from each other. I lifted my bottle of beer and tapped it to her green can of lemon-lime soda.

  “Who knows how many more to go,” she quipped. But she said it with a smile.

  Still, I pointed a finger at her. “None of that,” I warned her. “We’re celebrating.”

  “Okay.” She sipped her drink. “I’ll pretend this is something a little more fun.”

  “You can have something a little later.”

  She cocked a brow. “Are you talking later as in after the baby comes, or later as in…later tonight?”

  “Both,” I said, flashing her a roguish grin.

  A beautiful smile lit her face. “Sounds good to me.”

  That familiar ache hit me square in the chest at the sight of her smile. She was so beautiful. I had no idea how I’d come to be lucky enough to have her in my life, but I wasn’t letting her go.

  She paused with a fork halfway between her mouth and the plate. “You’re doing it again,” she accused.

  I lifted an innocent eyebrow. “What?”


  “I’m just thinking about how lucky I am,” I told her.

  She blushed and looked down, hurriedly popping her fork into her mouth. That blush drove me just as crazy as everything else about her did.

  She swallowed, took another bite, then shot me a look. “I got lucky with you, too, you know,” she said softly.

  Now it was my turn to be self-conscious. “Yeah, whatever.”

  “Whatever?” she echoed. She rolled her eyes and jabbed the fork my way. “If it wasn’t for you, I could be trapped, married to that bastard.”

  “You would have found a way to save yourself,” I said, shrugging. “And I don’t want to talk about him. I don’t want to think about him. It’s a good day. Bringing him up could ruin it.”

  She made a face but nodded. “You’re right.”

  We finished the rest of the meal in an easy silence and took care of the chores in the same fashion.

  One thing I loved about her was that she didn’t always feel the need to fill the air with words just to do so. At the same time, though, when she talked, I wanted to hear everything she had to say.

  I was so crazy about her.

  She bumped into me as she turned away from the dishwasher, and I caught her upper arms, steadying her.

  For a split second, I was flung back in time…just a few months, back to that day when I first met her, when she’d crashed into me just like this.

  “You changed my life,” I said softly, sliding my hands up to cup her face.

  “Lane,” she whispered, her breath hitching in her lungs.

  “You did,” I insisted. “You went and changed everything.”

  Tears gleamed in her eyes as I lowered my mouth to hers. I kept the kiss short and gentle. I was getting ahead of myself.

  I had plans for tonight, and it didn’t involve a seduction in the kitchen.

  But when I pulled away, Trice whimpered under her breath and tried to follow my mouth with hers.

  “Easy,” I murmured. “We’ve got all night.”

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t be sweet-talking me in front of the dirty dishes.”

  I pinched her butt, which resulted in a yelp and a giggle from her.

  “Let’s finish up in here, and I’ll show you sweet-talking.”

  Trice was curled up on the couch when I found her a few minutes later.

  She was staring at the TV, but the far-off expression on her face told me she probably wasn’t seeing much of the movie that was playing.

  That was good.

  I picked up the remote and thumbed the power button, turning it off.

  She blinked, like a woman coming out of a trance, and looked over at me.


  “Hey.” I crossed the floor to stand in front of her. She patted the empty space next to her, but instead of taking the seat, I went to my knees in front of her.

  Dipping my head, I pressed a kiss to her knee, left bare by the short, flirty skirt of the dress she’d pulled on once we got home from the courthouse. “You really did change my life, you know,” I told her. “You changed me. I want to be a better man because of you. I want to do better, be better.”

  “I like the man you are,” she said, covering my cheek with her hand.

  Crooking a grin at her, I said, “Just like?”

  She huffed out a breath. “I love the man yo
u are. Is that better?”

  “Yes.” Leaning forward, I kissed her.

  She hummed against my lips and opened for me slowly, shifting around on the couch so that she sat with her legs hanging over the edge instead of curled up underneath her.

  I moved in so that I leaned in between her splayed knees.

  But I didn’t touch her.

  I couldn’t afford to get distracted. Not right now.

  Breaking the kiss, I lifted my head, holding her eyes as I reached for her hand.

  “I want to ask you something,” I said softly. “If you’re not ready, that’s fine. I’ll wait until you are.”

  “Stop stalling already,” she told me, rolling her eyes.

  “Would you be quiet?” I bit her lower lip gently, then stroked my tongue over the small hurt. “Trice?”


  Still holding her hand, I used my free one to pull the ring from my pocket. “Will you marry me?”

  She went still, then jerked as I pushed the ring onto her finger.

  She gasped, the soft sound drawing me in.

  “You…” Tears dampened her eyes again. She blinked them away. “Are you serious?”

  “Deadly serious.” I kissed her again. “What do you say, Trice? Want to change my life one more time?”

  She flung her arms around my neck, a laugh of pure joy escaping her throat. “You’re damn right I do.”

  She slammed her mouth down on mine, laughing and kissing me at the same time.

  But her giggles faded as I took control of the kiss, hungry for her.

  “Yes?” I demanded against her mouth.


  I caught her hips and pulled her to the edge of the couch, lifting my head to meet her eyes. “Yes?”

  “Yes, Lane. I want to marry you,” she whispered.

  The words lit a fuse inside me.

  Pushing her skirt to the waist, I grabbed her panties and worked them off. “I want you now,” I muttered against her mouth.

  “Then have me now. Have me whenever you want.”

  They were heady words. Dangerous words.

  I tumbled her off the couch, catching her against my chest. Pulling her down to meet my kiss, I used my free hand to tear at my jeans and free my cock.

  She closed her cool, slim palm around me and stroked me from root to tip, passing her thumb over my head, smiling against my lips as I grunted in approval. “I love touching you,” she whispered.

  “I love that you love it,” I responded. Then I caught her wrist. “But I want to be inside you. Put me inside you, Trice.”

  She lifted up, balancing her weight on her knees.

  Her skirt billowed around her waist as she reached beneath her skirt to guide me home. She was already wet, already slick. The feel of her wet heat kissing the head of my cock had me gritting my teeth against the pleasure of it.

  That was so, so good.

  She whimpered as she took the first inch.

  I gripped her hips, steadying her, urging her on.

  She sank a little lower, then lifted back up.

  “You’re going to drive me crazy, doing it like that.”

  “Then you should have been on top,” she told me, watching me with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

  That hot, avid light made my dick even harder, and I urged her onward, bringing my knees up and arching my hips.

  But she kept on taking her time.

  She reached up and brushed her hair back.

  The ring on her hand glinted in the light, and I caught her wrist, brought her hand to my mouth, kissing the ring.

  She twined our fingers together and swayed forward, pinning my hand down by my head.

  “You’re mine,” she said, her voice low and throaty. “All mine.”

  “You got that right.” I grasped her butt and urged her farther down on my cock, rewarded by the faint moan that escaped her.

  I lifted her back up, then pulled her down again, making her take me deeper this time.

  She whimpered, her head dipping, her hair falling around us like a veil.

  I fisted my hand in the thick tresses and pulled her mouth to mine.

  Just as I slammed up into her, she pushed her tongue into my mouth, seeking me out.

  The eroticism of it set me ablaze. Her nails scored my chest.

  She whimpered as I began to drive into her with short, hard digs of my cock.

  More, I thought blindly. Just…like…that…

  She went tight around me, milking me as her orgasm started.

  My cock jerked, hard and fast, and I started to come.

  She whimpered and shivered against me, her hips moving in tiny circles as she continued to ride her climax to the end.

  As it ended, she sagged against me, and a weak moan escaped her.

  Or maybe it was me.

  I had no idea.

  Curling my arms around her, I buried my face against her neck.

  “You’re gonna be my wife, Trice.”

  She turned her head, and our mouths brushed. “You bet your ass I am.”



  “Oh…oh, my goodness…”

  The soft squeal from the doorway had me looking up.

  Joelle stood there in her bridesmaid dress, looking like a princess. “Wow, cousin.” I grinned at her. “You look so pretty, I’m almost tempted to make you change. You’re not supposed to outshine the bride, you know.”

  “It’s not possible. Trice, you are gorgeous!”

  I looked down at my wedding dress, then at my reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. I did look good. I couldn’t believe how good I looked.

  I actually felt like a princess myself.

  And my knight with his tarnished armor was waiting for me.

  It wouldn’t be long before I was told it was time, then I’d walk down the aisle, and we’d be married.

  A gurgling sound from the corner of the room had me looking over. Our daughter was being held by her grandmother, Lane’s mom, Krissy. Krissy had indeed come around, warming up to me way before the baby came. She was taking care of our little girl during the wedding, and even though I knew the baby was in good hands, I stepped away from the mirror to go see my little girl.

  She was dressed in pale blue, a dress of silk and lace that matched her and her father’s eyes.

  “How’s Mommy’s girl?” I asked, reaching out to touch one downy cheek.

  “She’s a sleepy girl,” Krissy said, grinning at me with pride. Her face softened as she saw me. “Oh, honey. You look beautiful. Lane is going to melt when he sees you.”

  “You think so?”

  “Trust me.” She winked at me, then checked the time. “I’m going to check her diaper really quick, then we’re going on out.”

  I nodded, then went back to the padded stool and sat down. Suria had promised to do my makeup, and we needed to touch up my lipstick one more time.

  She’d darted into the bathroom though.

  “Suria, you need to hurry up,” I called out.

  The door to the bathroom creaked open, and she appeared in the doorway, her cheeks flushed, the rest of her face pale.

  I blinked at the sight of her. “Are you okay?”

  She pressed a hand to her stomach. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine.” I bit my lip. “Please tell me you aren’t sick.” Not on my wedding day…

  “I’m not.” She took a deep breath, then waved for Joelle to hurry inside and shut the door. “We weren’t going to tell anybody until next week. This is…well, it’s your day.”

  “Oh!” Joelle gasped as she came to a stop next to me.

  I glanced over at her, frowning.

  Then Suria started to talk, words practically flying from her mouth. “But I don’t want you worrying you might catch the flu from me either.” She heaved out a sigh, then grinned at me. “I’m pregnant.”

  My jaw dropped.

  Joelle was alrea
dy across the room before I managed to snap my mouth shut, laughing and squealing. “Suri, that’s amazing!” Joelle said.

  I rushed to follow, happiness for my cousin and Kian exploding through me.

  “I’m so happy for you,” I said, moving to hug her.

  “Thanks.” She sniffled. “I didn’t want to ruin your day.”

  “Happy news can never ruin my day,” I told her firmly.

  “But keep it quiet,” she said, shaking a finger at me, then at Joelle. “We’ll announce it next week. For now, it’s just us.” She grimaced. “Now I just have to hope the baby doesn’t decide to appear on Nicco and Ravenna’s wedding day…that’s about when I’m due.”

  I gaped at her. “You’re joking.”

  “Nope.” She heaved out a sigh. “It’s not like we planned it.”

  I couldn’t help it. I laughed. Nicco and Ravenna had told us about the engagement just a few weeks ago, and Ravenna, in typical take-charge fashion, was already hard at work planning things. “If anybody can handle that kind of thing, it’s Ravenna.”

  I hugged Suria again.

  She was the one to break away, giving me a critical look. “We need to hurry up and fix your lipstick.”

  It seemed like no time before I was standing at the beginning of the aisle as the music started.

  We hadn’t wanted a big wedding.

  Still, it felt like there were so many people in there, watching as I sought Lane out.


  There he was.

  So far ahead of me, but so close.

  He watched me with intent eyes, and I watched him as he reached up and passed a shaking hand over his face.

  He blinked, then shook his head before a faint smile spread across his lips.

  “You changed everything,” he’d told me that beautiful day.

  No. We had changed everything. Both of us, together. We’d changed each other.

  Smiling at him, I took the first step toward the rest of my life.

  The End

  Turn the page to read an exclusive preview of my next book, The Escape (An Irish Mafia Romance).

  A young Russian ballerina meets a confident Irish mobster…what could possibly go wrong?